How can I use online or telephone banking?
If getting to your bank isn't possible or you would prefer to bank from home, telephone or internet banking could be the answer.
You will need a user name and password to keep your account secure. You will need to use these details every time you access your account. This information should be sent to you in your preferred format.
Telephone banking
To use telephone banking you don't necessarily have to use the telephone keypad. Instead, you can be asked security questions to check that you are who you say you are. You can also register for Voice I.D, which authenticates you by using your voice, speak to you bank about getting this set up. Once you're through the security process all your banking needs should be met over the phone, including bill payments and checking your balance.
Mobile phone banking
If you have a smartphone or another smart device, you can download and use an app offered by your bank to manage your money. Mobile banking apps allow you to view all your accounts in one place and make payments while on the go. When using speech output on your phone you may want to ensure that you're alone or use headphones when receiving updates about your account for your privacy and safety.
Online banking
Banks and building societies should have websites that are accessible to blind and partially sighted people. Your bank should ensure that you either have a fully accessible way of accessing your account details or give you equipment to enable you to provide the required information to access your account.
If you experience problems banking online contact your bank to tell them exactly what the problem is, they may be able to solve the problem quickly and easily.