Can I get money off my council tax?

For those living in England, Scotland and Wales there are four different ways in which you could reduce your Council Tax bill. Not all four ways are specifically for blind and partially sighted people, but one or all of them may apply to you:

  1. Your local Council Tax support scheme (helps people on low incomes)
  2. The disability reduction scheme
  3. Single person's discount
  4. Second adult rebate (sometimes called alternative maximum CTR)

Further information about these schemes and how they may apply to you, can be found on RNIBs Reduce your council tax bill webpages. You can also find out further information on the website.

Northern Ireland

If you have to pay rates and you receive Universal Credit, you can apply for a rate rebate. Rate rebate is the Northern Ireland equivalent of council tax reduction. Land and Property Services is in charge of the rate rebate system.

In order to qualify for a rate rebate you must be in receipt of Universal Credit, unless you are over pension age. If this is the case you can claim Housing Benefit to help with your rates.

You'll have up to three months from the date you start claiming Universal Credit to claim rate rebate, but it's best to do this as quickly as possible to avoid any arrears building up. You can make your claim online via the nidirect website or by calling 0300 200 7802.

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