Are there any activity or social breaks and events available for children with vision impairment?

There are a number of residential and activity breaks available to visually impaired children.

Vision England run residential breaks provided by Sense which allow young people aged 12 to 17, to spend time with others who are blind and partially sighted. Further information including upcoming breaks and how to book a place can be found on the Sens website or by emailing

VICTA offers a youth activities programme aimed at those aged 10 - 18 to support personal growth and transition into higher education. The activities are supported by youth expedition programmes that include the Duke of Edinburgh's Award and John Muir Awards.

Further information can be found on the VICTA website.

RNIB's Children, young people and families team run shape and share events where you can meet other families and children can engage and take part in activities, games and crafts with other visually impaired children. Further information including dates and how you can attend can be found on RNIB's Short breaks or shared care webpage.

Guide Dogs have family events around the UK arranged specially for children with vision impairment and their families. Further information can be found on their family events webpages.

You should also check with your local blind society as they may offer residential breaks. You can find your local society on the Sightline Directory by entering your postcode and the search words 'local society'

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