I have been called up for Jury service. I have sight loss, do I need to attend?

Generally, you must take part in jury service if all of the following apply to you:

  • 18 or over and under 75 on the day you start jury service
  • are on the electoral register
  • have lived in the UK, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man for a period adding up to five years since the age of 13
  • are not in one of the categories of people disqualified from serving

 You can be disqualified from serving if you:

  • have been convicted of certain criminal offences
  • are suffering or have suffered certain mental illnesses

What happens?

If you are selected for Jury service, you will receive a Jury Summons form, which you must complete and return so it can be determined whether you are qualified to be a juror. This form will also allow you to declare your visual impairment and advise of any adjustments or special arrangements you might require.

Asking for adjustments and special arrangements

You could request guidance in alternative formats, access to accessible toilets and pre visit to the court so you know your way around. If you have any concerns, you should contact the Jury Central Summoning Bureau at least a week before your jury service begins:

Email: jurysummoning@justice.gov.uk

Telephone: 0300 456 1024
Monday to Thursday, 9am - 5pm
Friday, 9am - 3pm

It is possible for you to defer or be excused from Jury service, but you must have a very good reason. Please see Can I defer my Jury Service or be excused?

Further information on taking part in jury service and what's involved can be found on the Gov.uk - Jury Service Overview webpages.

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