I have lost my Certificate of Vision Impairment (CVI), how do I get a replacement?

If you live in England or Wales and have lost your CVI (Certificate of Vision Impairment) and need a replacement, contact the Ophthalmology department where your eye specialist first certified your sight loss. They should hold your original CVI and be able to give you a copy of it. Your local authority sensory department and GP may also have copies.

If you live in Scotland each area has a different arrangement as to who holds the information for their area. Some areas use the local authority and others use a charitable organisation. Sight Scotland hold a VI register for East Lothian, Midlothian and Edinburgh City. You can contact them on 0800 024 8973. If you live anywhere in the rest of Scotland you should contact your local social work department (via your local council). The social work department will be able to refer you to the relevant sensory impairment team – who will know who holds the CVIs for your area.

If you live in Northern Ireland, you can request a copy of your certificate from your Ophthalmologist or local authority.

If you need further information about CVI's please view all the questions in the Registering sight loss section of this FAQ as it contains a range of questions around CVI's.

For infomration about changing the address on your CVI see How do I transfer my CVI registration when I change address or move to a new area?

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