Where can I find out more about research into inherited eye diseases?
There are a large number of genetic disorders that cause damage to different structures of the eye - like the retina, lens and cornea - resulting in sight loss. Although rare, these conditions are most likely to affect children and then to continue into adulthood.
Projects are focused on understanding the underlying genetics and improving diagnosis and treatments. The development of a new treatment is a lengthy process, from early investigation of ideas and principles in the lab, through testing in cell and animal models to the final stages of clinical trials in human patients. The good news is that progress is increasingly rapid.
Research is currently been undertaken in relation to:
- Genetics and gene therapy
- Stem cells
- Retinal transplantation
- Artificial vision
- Electrical stimulation therapy
- Growth factors
Further information on research into sight loss can be found on the Fight for Sight and Retina UK websites.