Are there any do's and don'ts to follow after having anti VEGF treatment?
There aren’t really any special precautions that you should follow after the treatment. However some do and do not’s that have been noted are:
- Don't not rub your eye
- Don't get water into the eye for the first few days
- Don't go swimming for the first few days
- Don't wear eye make up for the first few days.
- Do follow the general advice about seeking medical attention if your vision gets worse following treatment or your eye becomes more red, swollen, painful and sensitive to light or there is a sticky discharge from the eye. Some redness, swelling, discomfort and blurring of vision is normal after treatment but if these symptoms get worse then it could also indicate signs of infection.
- Do use your regular eye drops and medications unless otherwise instructed.
You should always go straight back to the eye clinic if you feel your vision is getting worse or start to notice further distortion in your vision between your appointments at the eye clinic.
For further information on anti VEGF treatment please see What is anti-VEGF treatment?